Here’s a list of sites and tricks that I love and that have made my life easier. Feel free to ask me about any of these.
Web Design
Twitter Bootstrap
IMO, the best front-end HTML/CSS framework with some sweet JS extensions. It’s responsive out of the box and is built with CSS selector names that make sense for really easy prototyping for web apps and sites alike.
Favicon Generator
All sites need favicons that tell your visitors who you are at a glance. Here’s the easiest way to generate yours.
Beautiful user-rated color palettes. Check the colors that people love to see.
Adobe Color CC (previously Kuler)
A color palette generator that uses various methods based on art theory to assemble a color palette. You can also create a palette from an upload image, such as a photo. This is a really cool tool for we “look and feel” hippies.
Regular CSS Fullscreen Background
I love full screen image backgrounds. Old-school HTML doesn’t really allow you to have a proportionately-scaled, full-screen background image. This is how you do it. If you want to get a little more fancy, try this: CSS3 Fullscreen Background Slideshow with Text.